MBTA Builds A Greenhouse!

I am happy to announce that MBTA now has a greenhouse! With the help of Ady, Noah, Keshav, Abdul, and Munira, we were able to put it up over the weekend with no hassle. (Thank you for the tools, Haazem and Herb!) As we lose sunlight hours, I’m hoping we will be able to get some hearty greens and root veggies seeded to grow over the winter. I can’t imagine we’ll be able to get a ton planted, but hopefully we’ll be able to get a few pounds of good produce to eat and share with the community. I believe that the greenhouse will function as a place to relax and enjoy the nature, and provide a means to improve mental health overall in the house. Watching a plant grow from a sprout to a fruit is wonderfully satisfying. I imagine the nice greens will also provide a nice happy contrast to the cold and dead winters. In the future, we may be purchasing a grow lamp and heater too improve the biodiversity of what we’ll be able to grow over the winters! Hopefully in the spring and summer, our high school students will be able to maintain and utilize the greenhouse. Even further in the future, we are looking at the possibilities of getting a coop to host chickens at the house... but we’re taking things one step at a time for now. Cheers to the fall! 🍂


2023-24 Cohort Group Photo Session


August and September Birthdays Celeration